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Donald Trump’s Tax-Cut will lead to job creation or economic growth?

Will the ‘Rocket Fuel’ pitted as Donald Trump’s Tax Cut lead to job creation or economic growth? The buzz in New York is the much-hyped tax-reform proposed by Donald Trump will benefit the already wealthy more than any other group. A majority of Americans, however, believe the tax cut sold as ‘rocket-fuel’ will be any […]

Top Career Advise of 2017

As we step into 2018 we decided to mull over some of the most poignant career advise/tips from 2017. Sounds cliché but a New Year is always a time for few resolutions and some reflections. This probably is the best time to make some necessary tweaks to our own career. So here’s some of the […]

Ways Startups Can Trump Technology Giants

Enormous advantages for Startups as compared to their massive competitors. As an entrepreneur having multi-million dollar companies as your competitors is the terrifying thing. We are sure you the story of David and Goliath, once in a blue moon the underdog win. But does this leave any space for startups to grow as big names […]

How Important Are Recruitment Reference Checks ?

Decoding the myths surrounding recruitment reference checks In the last decade or so the entire process of recruitment reference checks has not only became an integral part of HR department and various recruitment agencies but also the mainstream media in a big way. Who can forget the much talked about Yahoo scandal that raised eyeballs […]

Retaining those Restless Millennials

Retaining those Restless Millennials Considering millennials as the largest generation in the American workforce, its necessary to find ways to nail the corporate culture since today’s corporate teams are mostly made up of millennials. And yes, this isn’t the first time we are writing about millennials and certainly not the last time. This is one […]

The Unconscious Bias

The recruiting space has no place for Biasness, so how can we mitigate it? The deeply routed attributes of recruiting space human tendency have led many academicians to question the inherited diversity training. Published reports suggest that unless carefully monitored data-driven recruitment conclusions have the potential to learn our prejudices. Why talk about biases? The […]

Adoption Of Blended Workforce Models

Contract Staff and Direct Hire Mix: Workforce Models A combination of a variety of employees on different contracts is referred to as blended workforce models thus encouraging diversity and inclusivity. A blended workforce environment also provides privileges in case the business environment sours. For a secured future talent management system, it is imperative for organizations to […]

6 Hacks For Improving Your Recruiting Cold Calls

Effective Cold Calling Strategies In the digital age of social and virtual recruiting, cold calling strategies still hold a relevant place. Even today while screening candidates an obvious approach is a phone call. Yielding immediate results cold calling is an easy way to sustainability. For a successful business, employee recruitment is of utmost importance and […]

The Difference between Sourcing and Recruiting

Are recruiting and sourcing | Recruiter same thing? What’s the difference and why it Matters? Here are some facts! With social media making continuous advancements in acquiring new talents, there is a lot of ambiguity in regards to ‘recruiters’ and ‘sourcers’. Although the role of a sourcer is much like a recruiter, however, sourcing is […]

Why your talent is leaving?

With the World economy picking up momentum and falling unemployment rate, the talent war is only going to get tougher. In rapidly evolving economies while it is imperative to raise the bar for hiring talents, it is also significant to shape candidate perceptions and impelling sentiment. As job fluidity continues to narrow occupancy, employee retention […]


With the U.S economy picking up, contract staffing is emerging as the compelling force behind the job growth trends. According to American Staffing Association, companies hire nearly 15 million contract employees every year. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently released a report by showing year-over- year growth in temporary jobs was 4.24 percent, […]

To Inspire Your Business Growth

Helping clients evolve is our business growth. Your business is important to us. We help you foray into new domains and expand your business capabilities. We add value to your business and let you productively tap into new clients and markets. Glocal’ dedicated business managers have the experience and expertise to help your business succeed. […]

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