Top Career Advise of 2017
As we step into 2018 we decided to mull over some of the most poignant career advise/tips from 2017. Sounds cliché but a New Year is always a time for few resolutions and some reflections. This probably is the best time to make some necessary tweaks to our own career.
So here’s some of the best career advises from 2017:
Stay humble and work hard
Humility and work ethic are two traits that set you apart and it is important to practice it and not just pay lip service. Major organizations want smart as well as hard worker. So lead with your hard work and humility in your professional life.
Interpersonal Skills
In today’s cut throat competition, big companies are no longer satisfied with just skill, they also seek an excellent level of communication and interpersonal skills to help their organizations in multiple levels.
Success is all about people and not plans
If you sincerely want to take your career into high gear, plans only will not work as you would be requiring help from other people. In an interesting interview, the cofounder and investor of Linkedin advised to build a strong network.
Take Calculated Risks
Taking calculated risks could be the stepping stones to a great career. Be prepared for rejections – a natural part of any endeavor. At the end of the day if you believe in your actions, you’ll succeed.
A Healthy Work Life Balance
Make sure you dedicate time to doing what you love – it can be sports, your kids or even watching movies. At the end of the day you should have ample time to think, introspect and move ahead.
Give your team something to cheer about
As they say give credit where it is due, ensure all your team members get the credit they deserve. This would not only motivate them but attract more talent towards your team.
2018 brings in new hope and a new desire to strive harder to achieve your work goals. It’s important to stick to what you do best and up skill yourself have the competitive edge.
Keep following Glocal RPO Blogs for more exciting stories and career tips coming up in 2018!

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